Step by step plan for building your new home
Congratulations! You’re taking one of the smartest steps to assure your happiness; you're building a new home.
So, how do you stay on the right path for building your new home? By using a step by step plan. We get it; so much to do and so many details. We'll offer a list below, as an overview of areas to watch, but remember, this is an overview, each of these points may be a list all its own, and while we're starting with about a half-dozen here, there may be dozens to hundreds of details from huge to tiny, in your step by step plan for building YOUR new home...including some unique to you and your loved ones. After all, it's your plan, and your home.
Put together a great team: Builders. Contractors. Suppliers. Bankers. Escrow companies. Even movers. Here, and on all these points, remember, Headstrong has you covered.
Location: This is another reason why a Headstrong community is a great help in your plan for building a new home. Always a great community, we build it that way, and always a great location.
Finances: You'll probably need a loan. Have you got the best rate? Remember, these decisions will influence your financial life for years.
Design: What rooms do you need? Which have doors or halls between them? Which are more contained for privacy? How does the location of each room create the flow of your new lifestyle? Remember, you're not just designing a house (with your team, designers and architects, or Headstrong consultants), you're designing a home, you're designing a life.
Scheduling: What's your time-frame in the plan for building your new home? When's the move-in date? Backtrack from there to your start date with realistic timing for each step along the way and deadlines for every benchmark. Remember, you may have a firm date to sell your previous home or a hard out on a lease. You don't want to scramble for temporary accommodations and delay your dream.
These are five of the more important steps you’ll want to take. There are dozens more. But start with planning each of these and you’ll be in a good position for the steps that follow. Good luck!